Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Evidence that Chris Rosebrough (Pirate Christian) Knows Something About the Doctrines of Grace

Sometimes Chris Rosebrough can sound a bit like Tim Keller:
Sometimes in our battle against false doctrine we can lose site of the fact that the pure Gospel that we are battling for is this amazing news that God so LOVED the world that He Gave is only begotten Son.
Christians have been given the ministry of reconciliation. To announce to mankind that in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them and calling them to repentance and faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
Sometimes, Christians who are zealous for the truth wage their battles more like Muslim Extremists rather than Christians. But, before you point your finger at other bloggers and say “boy is that right about so and so”. Ask yourself if you’re not the one who is guilty of doing that.
I know that in my case this has been true at times. - Chris Rosebrough (Pirate Christian)
Link is here.

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