Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ingrid Schlueter Clarifies a Statement That Was Misunderstood

"Last Tuesday, I hosted a program with Deborah Dombrowski of Lighthouse Trails Publishing on the subject of 'Bridge People' and how these pastors and leaders who are not separating biblically from false teachers are causing division and spiritual harm as they BRIDGE the gap between Christianity and the false spirituality that we're seeing emerge all over the place today. The subject was not heretics themselves, that publishing books and speaking at conferences, but rather those who serve as 'bridge people' to this new emergent spirituality by their refusal to be clear, and their refusal to warn about the others and their  affiliation with those who are teaching false doctrine. 

At the beginning of last week's program, I mentioned a podcaster and online apologist who caused great division when he posted smiling photos publicly of himself with some leading heretical  preachers of the emergent church, and also a couple of weeks ago, had posted a photo of himself, smiling, with a man by the name of Dan Kimball, an emerging church pastor, very well known author, well published author who has sown confusion and division among believers because of his ongoing affiliations with heretical teachers while he is maintaining this supposedly orthodox doctrinal statement.  He is the very picture of the bridge people we were talking about on the program.
What I want to do today just in a moment or two  here is to clarify a sentence that I made, a very poorly constructed sentence, and the podcaster would like me to correct that.  I'll be glad to do so.  Here is what I should have said:
The podcaster and online apologist posted a public photo of himself several months ago with the following heretical pastors:
#1. Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber - one of the OutLaw preachers group, and heretical ELCA minister who is a big supporter of Queermergent, a group of homosexuals promoting homosexuality within the emergent church. Nadia is known for her filthy language, and the title of one of her talks at the Christianity 21, which is an Emergent Conference, the title of it is so filthy, I cannot read it on the air. This false pastor's use of the F* word and other vile language speaks for itself.
#2. The podcaster posed in that photo also with Tony Jones - heretical pastor and big name in the emergent church and also a columnist at Beliefnet who wrote a column last year calling the doctrine of original sin a quote "depraved idea." He is also a supporter of Queermergent pushing for the acceptance of homosexuality in the church.
#3 in that photo with the podcaster was Jay Bakker, also one of the Outlaw Preachers, and pastor of Revolution Church. Bakker recently tweeted a link on Twitter that said quote, "It's time for Religious Followers to Stand up to Anti-Gay Theology"
The apologist and podcaster posted his smiling photo with these false teachers and called them his "friends." He specifically referred to the gay-affirming woman pastor, Nadia Bolz-Weber, with the filthy mouth, as his "dear friend."
Moving on, despite rebuke from his colleagues in online work, the online podcaster and apologist then publicly posted a photograph a few weeks ago of emerging church leader, Dan Kimball. He called Dan his "brother in Christ." He posted a photo of himself with Dan, and then some black and white photos he took of Dan Kimball by the grave of actor James Dean.
Since last week's program, the podcaster and online apologist has gone on a discrediting and slander campaign both on his program and on Facebook and has accused me and Deborah Dombrowski of "deception." He stated that you can't "fight deception with deception", and played the witchhunt scene from a Monty Python film for his listeners' entertainment in order to ridicule us.  In that the podcaster and online apologist has openly embraced the enemies of the cross as his friends, we will let Christians decide where the deception lies. Heretical teachers and pastors  like Jay Bakker, Nadia Bolz Weber and Tony Jones are leading souls. These are not those who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These are men and women who have heard it, rejected it, and are now perverting it. Eternity hangs in the balance for the souls in their care.
We here at Crosstalk believe in biblical separation from those who teach a false gospel. We are to come out from among them for the sake of the purity of the gospel. If there is any lesson in the controversy of the last couple of weeks among the listeners to the podcaster's program it is this: We as believers cannot call lying false shepherds our "friends" nor push forward a quote "brother in Christ" who refuses to separate from heretical teachers. The result is spiritual confusion, and God is not the author of confusion.
Ingrid Schlueter, producer
VCY America Radio Network

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